Announcing "Photoshop THIS" Contest!


Photoshop THIS #1

A photoshop contest where you can let your inner crazy free.

How it goes

Every Friday I'll pick a new picture to edit.
To make it less random there will also be a theme each week.

You can send me pictures or theme ideas in the comments!

It's up to you to edit that picture as you see fit and make a post about it before Wednesday.
The best edited picture gets awarded on Friday.


  • only one edit per person
  • tag your entry post with "photoshopthis"
  • format your posts to "Photoshop This # Entry - title"
  • no nudity, blood, gore or anything similar.
  • used images/resources should be public domain
  • Submitted images for editing should be your own!!!
  • Rewards

    The winning entry will receive all SBD from the reveal post.
    For now I'll pick the winner, but that might change.
    (my pick will be based on editing complexity and originality)
    If somehow the reward pool increases thanks to some donors I'll add fixed rewards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

    If you have suggestions, let me know!

    3 columns
    2 columns
    1 column