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Physicists have confirmed the discovery of a possible fifth force of nature

American physicists in their work confirmed the possible opening of a fifth fundamental interaction. The study is published in the journal Physical Review Letters, a brief about it informs the University of California at Irvine (USA).

The work of physicists dedicated to the possible interactions of a new particle - X-boson. It is, according to scientists, reacts only with electrons and neutrons, as well as a part of the dark sector of nature. With the help of physicists tried to explain the anomalies observed in the experiment in the transition to the ground state of beryllium-8.

On the feature for the first time noticed the Hungarian physicists, who considered it evidence of the existence of a hypothetical particle that participates in the fifth interaction, - a dark mass of a photon 17 MeV.

US scientists have confirmed the existence of anomalies in an article published in April 2015, and at the same time offered to her is another explanation. New X-boson, according to physicists, explains a series of experiments in which there is the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.

At present there are four fundamental interactions: strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational. On the fifth of scientists associated dark matter - a hypothetical substance, manifesting itself only in the gravitational interaction.

"If future experiments confirmed the discovery of a fifth force, it will completely change our view of the universe and will have implications for associations and interactions of dark matter", - said lead to a new study by Jonathan Feng.

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