Optimizing our Perception and Use of 'Time'

In my writing Addiction and the Distorted Perception and Use of Time I point out how an addict that ultra-procrastinates, putting off everything in their life but getting high, starts to see and use time differently than non-addict/procrastinators. This understanding of the distortion of perception and use of time is an important observation for us to be able to relate to such people, and it is through this RELATIONSHIP that we are able to fully understand and socially “solve” addiction.

This understanding/observation of how the mind, or the brain, or the psyche (it doesn’t matter what we call it or what these words mean for this article) can distort the perception and use of time is very important and relevant in regard to J.Krishnamurti’s teachings.

Krishnamurti tries to introduce his audience to a different way of using the brain and a different way of viewing the role of thought. Krishnamurti spent his whole life in “talks” with many different authorities from many different fields including David Bohm, a leading Quantum Physicist of our time:

"The Ending of Time" pt. 1

The relevance and significance of observing how an addict in this state views and bends time is that we begin to understand, in such an extreme circumstance, how the brain can function in a way that time effectively works differently than in a brain that functions normally (normal as in the average person, unaffected by serious addiction).

Such an observation, which allows us to more properly relate to the affected mind, begins to show us that the brain CAN in fact function differently in its relation to the normally held concept and perception of time.

Actually changing our fundamental understanding, view, and utilization of “time”, as an individual, might have inherent difficulties. Bohmian Dialogue, whether within a group or individually, might prove useful for bringing about such difficult and “instantaneous” change.

Time itself, what it "is", may not change, but we can think about optimizing our perception, understanding, and use of it, if we are able to see beyond our own conditioning on what time is and how should it be viewed and used.

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