You May Not Be A Human After All

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In an earlier series of posts, I discussed the possibility of multiverses. There are several different versions of multiverses but the one I briefly want to further explore is the infinite universe concept.

In this type of universe, and because it is infinite, then it is possible that there are many volumes within that Universe that are identical to the one we live in right now.

In fact it has been worked out that an identical volume to ours should be about 1010115 meters away from us.

Boltzmann Brain

That's all interesting but instead I want to discuss what can happen to even smaller volumes of matter in such a universe. The concept is generally called the Boltzmann Brain which is the idea that a self-aware entity can arise due to random fluctuations out of any random thermodynamic system (however briefly).

This means that it is possible that you reading the computer screen right is just a very low probability event whereby a random assemblage of molecule came to together to form that particular instant in time, with all of the memories of a particular human life.

For this to work, there is no need for an entire human body to be formed or even eyeballs etc.
etc. All that is needed is for a sufficient amount of matter to assemble to form a consciousness with the correct inputs to make it believe that it is looking at a computer screen and hearing whatever sounds that are going on.

And then poof it all goes away. It could even re-form in another part of the infinite universe to simulate the next instant in time and so on and so forth. These re-assemblages can be well spaced out in time and they do not even have to be in order. The consciousness would still appear, to itself, to be continuous.

This All Explains Weird Dreams, Leprechauns and Sasquatch

If these Boltzmann Brains are popping up all over the universe there is no actual need for the inputs to the consciousness to be rational.

In fact they could be quite irrational and still exist just fine.

So it has dawned on me that this hypothesis would explain all the weird dreams that you have ever had.

It would also explain UFO sightings, sasquatch, leprechauns, fairies and people's weird drug trips.

In Closing

This only works if the Universe is truly infinite either in space or in time. If it can be proven otherwise then the idea is killed.

However, if it is true then it means that you are effectively immortal briefly popping back into existence again and again and also living many different types of lives.

Not sure if that is a nice thought or not.

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