How to Purchase Pillar Tokens

The Pillar venture will begin as an open-source computerized wallet to hold every one of your benefits – your wellbeing records, budgetary records, cash, responsibility for, resume, and a great deal more. All the proprietorship will be on different blockchains, with clients holding the secret key, supplanting every one of the records they have today. At that point, the individual right hand will help discover what clients are searching for and connect with numerous computerized benefits naturally. As clients travel, purchase things, eat, expend media, utilize administrations – the individual information locker will pay the route as you go, without logging into several applications.

Here's a video introducing Pillar wallet

To purchase Pillar tokens :

First you must not American Because US securities laws are ambiguous on tokens, Americans are not allowed to participate in our presale or main sale, which is why you won't see any mention of a sale on our web site coming from the US.

Second : Prepare and Fund your Wallet
The Pillar token is not affirmed by any administrative bodies and does not consent to directions in any nation.
When buying Pillar tokens, you consent to restricting assertion and you surrender the privilege to make part in any class-move claim. Our token is a unit of installment inside a solitary framework. We make no portrayals that it is, or is not, a security.
We make no guarantees of conceivable picks up or returns. You can possibly lose all your cash if the market value drops to zero. You can utilize Metamask or MyEtherWallet. Try not to utilize whatever other wallet unless you know it can perceive ERC20 tokens!

Third: Purchase
Be ready , 8am London UK time on Saturday July 15th, then come back here for the address of the smart contract and how-to-purchase video.

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