BEN SWANN: It's been awhile since I looked into where he disappeared to...

Those of you that have been following me for awhile know that I hold Journalist Ben Swann in very high regard. I'll go so far as to say he is my favorite journalist. For many years he's been on the frontline of interviewing and asking tough questions. Why did I like him? He didn't try to SWAY you to his point. He simply presented all the facts he could find from anywhere and encouraged you to make your own INFORMED decision. He even interviewed Obama.

He went to head to head covering the revolving door of Big Pharma and the FDA. He is a no holds barred investigative and journalist who takes what they teach in journalism seriously unlike current "journalists" who refer to such practices as "cute" but "bad business". You see "If it bleeds it leads", as well as propaganda for hire are the name of the game for most journalism today.

So with Ben being like this you would suspect they would have shut him down years ago. Actually, no they didn't. His latest actual anchor position has been CBS46 in Atlanta, Georgia. He continued his Reality Check segment which he had been doing for years even with other stations like another FOX local station. He is well liked and was quite popular on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

So what happened to him?

Well back in the January time frame he did a Reality Check on #pizzagate. He didn't say it was real. He presented the evidence, went over the FBIs own manual for pedophilia and symbology to watch for and that symbology was present. Ben on realizing there actually had been NO actual investigation into this said there looked to be enough information to warrant an investigation to see if there was something there.

So what happened? An explosion. They came at him hard. He was simply stating it should be looked into before claiming it was "not true" without an investigation.

He pulled that video, but quite a number of people already saved it. He then posted on Twitter that he would be going dark for awhile. Little did we all know how dark dark actually was or people like me would have preserved a lot more of his material.

His facebook page with million or so followers. Gone.
Twitter page gone.
Youtube page and years of videos. Gone. his own site with the big pharma documentaries and many others. Gone.

So out of ALL the things he covered, this one topic #pizzagate was suddenly enough to shut him down...

He has been so silent that many of us thought perhaps he wasn't actually alive anymore and we were concerned. I've actually seen various things indicating he is alive. We've heard all kinds of speculations as he himself is silent.

Pizzagate was not to be spoken about. These days #pedogate is acceptable to talk about and is spoken of all over the place. Really, they are arms of the same thing.

I wasn't seriously paying much attention to #pizzagate until after what happened to Ben Swann. I guess people don't really know much about the Streisand Effect. Bash something on the internet and try to censor it can have the opposite effect. People may suddenly pay a lot more attention to it. The treatment of Ben Swann with regard to #pizzagate had this effect on me.

So every so often I'll go see if I can find any new news about Ben Swann. I happened to find the following video on youtube about 8 minutes after it was posted. I commented and recommended to the video author they should come to

This is a long video I've barely touched it's content but it looks like it is going into far more than just Ben Swan. I thought perhaps it was time again to do an update on Ben Swann.

I also found the following article from late June.

Note the following section of that article.

Whether that is speculation on the part of the author of that article or not I cannot say. I didn't actually find much else. After many months Ben Swann who before was quite prolific has been strangely silent.

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