A Conspiracy of Silence, Or Something Much Darker

When I stumbled onto the Pizzagate scandal, I was investigating something else and didn't pay much attention. Then it started to come up over and over with allegations of other things such as killing rooms, spirit cooking, etc.. The more I investigated and reflected on what was going on, the more troubled I became. I've compiled a few videos, some may be long and for that I apologize, but I believe they are important, none the less.

What do we know? I try to live in what's real and try not to delve into what if. It's no secret that elites (a term I hate to use because there are many different elites), in this context rich and powerful people, have had an egocentric predilection for youth. It is well known that Mao Zedong liked to bathe with pre-pubescent girls because he thought he could absorb their youthful essence (I believe they call it chi). If it went beyond bathing, I don't know.

What if (here we go) these longevity fantasies go beyond bathing? Countess Elizabeth Bathory was arrested in 1604, or thereabouts, for killing and torturing young girls and drinking their blood to maintain her youth. It was also rumored that she bathed in their blood as well. There are numerous videos that tie the Crown to Satanic rituals and worse.

More recently, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip were said to have been involved in the disappearance of native children in an orphanage in Canada.

There is also evidence that the Royal Family was involved with pedophile Jimmy Saville, adding the pedophilia angle to the mix. It has been said that it was the Royals that kept Saville from being caught and prosecuted for so many years. Similarly, in America, there have been numerous instances of children disappearing going back decades.

Johnny Gosch, a paperboy from Iowa disappeared and thanks to the tenacity of his mother and a few others, a child prostitution ring that implicated the Franklin Savings & Loan, Boy's Town orphanage and the Reagan/Bush White House.This program/video was scheduled to air in 1994 on The Discovery Channel but was cancelled at the last minute- it was even listed in TV Guide.

Yesterday I posted a video that spoke about missing children in Virginia that also addressed the relationship between Hillary Clinton and a woman named Laura Silsby, a convicted child sex-trafficker. Her activities date back at least to 2001, but her more recent conviction was for her attempt to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti in 2010. The video is on my blog so I won't re-post it. But, here is another- at the 3:45 mark (approx) it speaks of an "unnamed woman" who must be Silsby and her connection to Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, as well as Prince Andrew.

The question that arises out of all of this is: Where are the children now? The Franklin case involves many children, but only a couple have come forward. Laura Silsby has been at this for decades, yet nobody has come forward...many of these children, using the 2001 date as a beginning point, would be in their 20's now. Where are they? No one can keep a secret that big for this long- afraid or not. Either the allegations are false- which in the face of almost overwhelming evidence is doubtful- or something very dark has become of them.

There is one video about a "killing room" it was long and it has been removed from Y-Tube. I did locate another copy which is long on opinion and short on fact. That is not to say that the killing room is not real. There are also allegations of child sacrifice. That would explain the disappearances. There is also the "spirit cooking" aspect and I must admit, I know very little about this. I'm going to post three more videos about spirit cooking and pedophilia. I've made my case as well as I can. Something is going on and whatever it is isn't good. I just pray that I'm wrong...You can make up your own minds.

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