Pizza Gate, Satanism, and the Holy Grail

This is going to be a complicated post; if you can't keep up, don't step up ;> (always wanted to use that line!)

Since I got to use that bad-ass line, I expect my reader to present criticism from a fully informed view...criticize me, yes, that's how I learn, but make damn sure you read what I'm saying before you do. I'm in a sarcastic mood right now.

To make things a little easier on both us us, reader and writer, I will make one thing clear...THIS IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO DISCREDIT PIZZAGATE. I have not researched this yet, and the media defending those involved has NO credibility whatsoever on their own part.

The Holy Grail

I have always liked the book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail. The concept that Jesus was an actual King of the Jews, and that his bloodline had been preserved in French royalty was both plausible and fascinating. But there was a huge problem with the credibility of the argument - the authors used ONE source as the basis to "prove" their argument, and that source was a fraud. To make matters worse, I can recall at least three occasions in the book in which the authors state that they were worried about that source...but that the material was so good that they just had to keep on using it. Le sigh. While the authors did seek to cross-check the truth of that material, they ran into references that had been planted by the fraud himself.

Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair was a conman of long experience in France; he had created a couple of organizations and put a lot of work into creating a backstory that would enable him to lay the claim that he was the rightful King of France via a Merovingian bloodline. It was a part of this backstory that attracted the attention of the authors initially to Rennes-le-Château and the rich (via dubious means) priest that had resided there. The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail ran with this source in their own argument that Jesus' bloodline had survived though the Merovingians. Which, by the way, seems to caught poor old Pierre off guard, and it was certainly a direction that he hadn't wanted the fraud to go.

In the end, all the interesting and potentially valid research that the authors did in other areas of the book ( the discussion of Jesus' life and the history of the early Church) was tainted because the authors put too much weight in a source that was a fraud at it's core. C'mon, a collection of documents called the Dossiers Secrets detailing the history of a secret society was in a public library? REALLY?

It isn't surprising that the authors put so much stock in a source that seemed to prove their argument so neatly. There is not a lot of documentation otherwise. To make a solid argument when there is no proof of a thing is a hard thing to do. Let's be honest, there is bias in ALL research, and that bias is usually serf-serving. So when a source of information presents itself where there is no other evidence to consider, it is going to be given more credence. The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail are not that different than Global Warming Alarmists in only using the data that supports their position...or from any other human with a point to make.

For what it's worth, I still recommend the book for interesting reading . If the world wasn't so overrun with corrupt and dishonest trash that requires research, it would be fun trying to follow the author's arguments without using King Pierre's contributions


Full disclosure - I have been a Satanist twice in my life. Once before I joined the Marine Corps (my interest in Satanism declined greatly when I found I could pursue the young ladies with more success than I did as a geeky high school kid); and the second time from 2007 to about 2009. I actually produced several access TV shows called The Satanic Tent Revival that were mocking and cruelly funny (even some of my Christian friends liked these). I stopped making these when I came to understand the full propaganda war the Left wages against Christians, and I stopped being a Satanist during this period. I actually was making some of the shows after a loss of..."faith"? the philosophy.

There are two major views of Satanism from greatly differing perspectives:

  • The Christian view - Satan is the Great Deceiver and the Father of Lies. Whatever Satan tells you is designed to corrupt you and is dishonest. Please not I am not contradicting this view for the purposes of this post. But it is important to understand that from this perspective there is an inherent suspicion of Satanists and that anything a Satanist says is likely to be a lie either by a sucker or a willing puppet of evil.

  • There are several different directions that a Satanist could take. Anton LaVey was a conman who may or may not have actually worshiped the Devil. He founded the modern Satanic Church, although I suppose there have always been those that combined occult beliefs with worship of Satan (whether for shock value or for real). Crowley was an example of this.

In any case, LaYey's Satanism was marked by the open hint of dual philosophies (and the possibility of dual membership fees, IMHO). While LaVey pushed on the surface was "rational Satanism", the "belief" in Satan as a symbol of Man's own rational mind and sensuality (the view I held as a Satanist), he also always made the point that Satan was indeed the Father of Lies and that Satanism was about a spiritual worship of Satan - but again in terms of rationality ans sensuality. However, considering that Satan is indeed the Father of Lies, LaVey's hints also pointed to the possibility that Satanic worship was indeed anti-Christian in nature.

This leads us to Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set. Aquino is a former Army officer who specialized in PsyOps and who was also a high-ranking member of the Church of Satan. Aquino has been accused of child molestation, and Satanic child molestation has very often been connected to PsyOps in alternate media. While I can't speak to the accuracy of that link in the general sense, my own research into Aquino (conducted while I was a Satanist) leads me to believe he was innocent. did an interview with Aquino.

What Aquino did do was to break away from the Church of Satan and form an alternate occult group, the Temple of Set. Both "rational" Satanism and the Temple of Set are Left Hand Path philosophies. To be sure, from the Christian perceptive they are STILL victims if not willing participants of Satanic trickery.

Aquino's history of the Church of Satan is definitely interesting reading, and his PsyOps work MindWar is as well.

In concluding this portion, I want to make a few things clear:

  • There are multiple versions of Satanism
  • Not everyone who indulges in Satanism, or other Left Hand Paths, worships the Devil (or do so knowingly, if you are looking at this via the Christian perspective)
  • Following from that, the Left Hand Path is a philosophy directed at personal strength, not at being Evil
  • Even so, MANY people in Satanic cults do so out of an anti-Christian hostility; some have mental issues
  • There HAVE been murders committed by people interested in the occult/Satanism


As I have not spent any time looking at the evidence, I am not going to make any definite claims regarding the overall claims. I have had a selfish goal in doing so; if it is true, then our security community is so degraded to be worthless, and I don't want that to be true. I am doing research on other things now, but I am also trying to build up the courage to look this possibility in the face.

Here are the things we know are true:

  • Podesta and those around him are corrupt liars
  • Podesta and those folk are involved in the occult
  • Podesta has a collection of disturbing art

Here are things that are very likely:

  • Podesta et al used code terms in their emails
  • Some of the terms in those emails can be interpreted in terms of similar codes that child molesters do use to communicate
  • Some of Podesta's art can also be interpreted in a manner consistent with pedophilia
  • Breibart tweeted in 2011 that Podesta covered up pedophilia
  • Every event surrounding the investigation is actor walks into the pizza place with a gun?

Does any of this prove that the Podesta Ring is a pedophile ring in addition to being a political corruption ring? Not that I've seen so far, but then again I am not seeing any evidence showing his evidence either.

Specific claims against the Podesta ring are available on the blockchain here at Steemit under the #pizzagate tag. Since I myself have done no research into the specifics, I will not remark on them, but I do want to emphasize the following :
the media's dismissal of these charges as a conspiracy or meme have no credibility because the media at large has no credibility.

The media has a long history of lying and covering up events in order to protect the Democrat Party, and has a long history of coordinating these lies as well:

  • JournoList was a group of leftist journalists that determined the spin that the news would take; it supposedly disbanded after it's first exposure but subsequently reformed.
  • Leaks from the DNC showed specific examples of Democrats and news producers cooperating on the wording of "news"

The whole "fake news" narrative that the media and the Democrats are trying to push now is a reaction to the refutation of their lies by the public with the election of Trump. Coverage of Pizza Gate is reflective of that narrative. But let's not forget that many "important" Republicans have not said a word of opposition to the "fake news" propaganda.


At this point, I want to ask the folks that are researching Pizza Gate to be careful of the sources they are using. Don't make the mistake that the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail did. Make sure evidence is credible, make sure evidence is specific, and make sure that evidence is direct.

Please don't get too focused on this issue and be subjected to a psyops that works for the "fake news" narrative these Fifth Column propgandists are pushing. Remember that we also need to push to make sure that the PROVEN incidents of corruption and treason are punished harshly.

That doesn't mean I think that PizzaGate should not be investigated. If kids are being kidnapped, raped, and/or killed, the criminals responsible for that need to be dealt with. For me, that means the death penalty. If there are coverups going on, the people that are assisting in protecting these criminals need to be exposed, removed from power, and go to jail.

It is possible that PizzaGate is a reality, and that the evidence has been destroyed; it is possible that the citizen investigation of PizzaGate will never produce a direct link. That doesn't mean we should stop talking about it.

Finally, for those of you that doubt public officials could cover up child abuse, here are two proven cases of long term abuse and coverup:
Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal

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