Beyond PizzaGate: Congressmen Barney Franks caught in male prostitution scandal and threatens congress

Major cover-up suspected in GOP's "Pagegate" now rocking Capitol Hill. Capitol Hill sources report that the congressional page sex scandal that has barraged the Republican leadership weeks before the general election is a re-flash of a similar scandal in the late 1980s. In June 1989, openly gay Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, two months before he admitted that his aide was using his Capitol Hill home for prostitution purposes, threatened to expose the identities of a number of closeted gay Republican members of Congress after a Republican National Committee surfaced that suggested then-House Speaker Thomas Foley was gay. The Republican leadership went into immediate crisis mode and wanted to sweep the matter aside. However, the story of Republican lobbyists and members of Congress procuring the services of underage male prostitutes soon hit the newspapers.

This is a very eye-opening read for me. I didn't realize all the problems congress had with underage boys but this article does a good job on breaking it down. Anyone interested in Pizzagate should take a closer look at these sex scandals in congress.

Barney Frank even went as far as threatening to release the names of gay Republicans if this matter wasn't closed to me this is not the behavior of a man that is innocent but rather of a man that has something to hide.

Maybe Barney was a client and enjoy the company of under age boys just like his Republican counter-parts.

The Washington Times beginning in June 1989 that reported underage male prostitutes had been given midnight tours of the White House. As WMR reported yesterday, these tours involved the private quarters of the White House.

This reminds me about the 65,000 dollars hotdogs ordered for the white house that came out in the wikileaks. Looks like Daddy Bush was into the same kind of high price hotdogs.

These underage sex scandals have been going on in Washington for a very long time. We need to expose these people and bring them to Justice.

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