Indian Republic Day & The Parade, Why We Need Resilience, Sudden Rain And A Crypto Instagram?! [Pocket Journal #2]

Heyo my Steemit comrades! How are you all on this very fine day? Good? Great? Awesome!
Let's get down to entry number 2 of my Pocket Journal!

PocketJournal #2 (-).png

Achievement History

Well, it looks like I'm starting this series on a back foot. Remember the goals and challenges I had mentioned in entry #1 four days back? Didn't happen. Mostly, at least.

The physiotherapy exercises were done once on 23rd and 24th.
I woke up at an average time of 8 AM (today at 6:10 AM though, more on why later!)
I went to bed past 11:30 PM every time! But I did go for a run on 24th.
I bought the A4 sheets required for my assignments but didn't start my work on it... yet.

Not looking too good though, is it?
While I can't say "it's okay" (because that will just reinforce my non-pro-activeness) and don't want to say "this will be the last time I'm messing up" (because we know what happens after that...), I will say that this shall be the first time that I mess up on achieving my goals and challenges. I read that it has some kind of reverse-engineering logic attached to it. How? Well, it works and that's what we want!
@axios made a relevant cool post on why NOT succeeding initially is good for us, check it out!

So, in Round 1:
Bad YesAye = 1
Good YesAye = 0

Let the Round 2 begin!

That Happened

Indian Republic Day.

As you may be aware by now thanks to the posts by super cool Indians (shoutout to @wandereronwheels & @firepower), today i.e. 26th January marks the 69th year since the Constitution of India came into effect.
So here's wishing every Indian a very happy Republic Day!

The Parade!

This is my favorite part. No wait, the Air Show at the end of the Parade is my favorite part! Almost everything in the parade has been captured and spoken about by @wandereronwheels in his post with epic images and a video of the Air Show.
Well, I didn't really click any pictures or videos. Why? Because I was livin' the moment!
Nah my mobile's cam is shit. (@papa-pepper, I really really hope I win the cam!)
Initially with all the crowd pushing and squashing each other (mostly me), it was impossible to enjoy even a bit. But later on, I got a nice view of the parade and everything went better than expected!
The specialty of the Parade this time was that, it was all women who did the bike stunts that were usually done by men before. How cool is that? Go, women empowerment!
So cool to be there and watch all of that live.

Rain Outta Nowhere!

On 23rd, it rained in New Delhi after a dry spell of 42 days! So cold, brrrr! There was a sudden cover of thick mist that engulfed Delhi and its citizens. Standing in the balcony smelling the post-rain air felt like I was in heaven!
Promise I'll post photos from next time. P:

Instagram + Cryptocurrency = Sola?

So I stumbled across this new social platform called Sola in one of @papa-pepper's posts, which is unlike anything I've seen before in that, the way the posts are shared with the world is kinda unconventional. It shares the posts with people who are around your location (and sometimes even randomly to another end of the world). What this does is, you get a lot more views than the conventional 'New Posts' feature.

How it works is - you create a maximum of 10 'cards' in which you can add:

  • Text
  • Images
  • GIFs
  • Videos
  • Poll

What makes it cool is that everything can be used in one post on individual cards! That makes things more engaging. So now if I were to post memes, I could even put up a poll asking if the viewers have ever been in such a situation! That is awesome.
Here's a video explaining the site briefly by @papa-pepper
Official video by creators of Sola

PS: Do use my referral link up there to join please, it'll benefit both of us! :D

Today's Quote

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
ā€” Henry Ford

Tell Me This

What is the one lesson you learnt from a mistake which you wish you'd learnt earlier?

Thank you for reading!


1.The Great Steemit MS Paint Art Comic Collaboration! Come Be A Part Of It!Collaboration
2.How To Make A Meme - Tutorial By A Self-Proclaimed Meme GodTutorial
3.Alan Walker x Coldplay - The Faded ScientistMashup

@yesaye was here.

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