Preppers Perspective - Audio Podcast

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Hi all

I'm going to start a new pre-recorded audio segment/podcast soon where I talk to Preppers/Homesteaders/free thinkers and anyone else interested in freedom and liberty and who is actually awake enough to take sensible and responsible precautions to protect themselves and others from known and unknown factors.

We would be discussing what you believe we should be preparing for, how you are doing so and who and what the reasons for the thing you are prepping for are. Just enough information to discuss the topic at hand, nothing that could compromise your location/identity or operational security.

If you have a particular skill/knowledge or talent that you practice, such as alternative medicines or have a history in a particular area, such as the military service, then the show would be mostly leaning towards that, so that we get a nice broad cross section of skilled individuals discussing a broad range of topics and how they have helped you and can help others in everyday life, short term emergencies, or full blown SHTF.

If you are interested in being on the show then I would be interested to hear from you!

What you would need to be willing to give up

You would be donating some of your time freely, up to 2 hours (estimated). I can't unfortunately offer any monetary donation for your time, but I will obviously follow you here on Steemit and your other media outlets (if you have them) and upvote your posts.

The technical/computer aspect

I plan on using Skype for the audio calls, but other VOIP apps could be used. I use a Mac, so any software that works well on that OS that is open source and free to use could be used.

You'll need at least a decent microphone and headphones preferred to hear me through (to reduce echo).

A quiet(ish) place free of background noise and a decent enough internet line robust enough to not have any interruptions, so we can hear the awesome information you'll be sharing. You'd also need to be free from being disturbed, but as I said it's pre-recorded so it's NOT being broadcast live, any interruptions can be edited out or re-recorded if needs be.


I'd be posting your episode on my media outlets. You would be free to link to the episode on yours, but NOT to host it yourself. Obviously we'll link all your media outlets in the description for the episode and it should serve to send more traffic both ways between myself and your channel and so be of benefit to each other this way.

Interested? Then please send an e-mail to: - with the subject "Preppers Perspective" or join the Prepper Discord server -

and let me know who you are, when you are available and what topic/area of expertise you have that we can focus on in the episode. You don't have to tell me anything personal about yourself (you can only go by your channel name if you want). Nothing will be broadcast that you don't want to be.

You don't have to be a huge YouTuber or social media celebrity to come on the show, I would like anyone interested in Preparedness/Homesteading and related interests to come on. Doesn't matter if you are new to prepping or have been doing it since you were born, all are welcome to give their perspective on prepping, self-sufficiency and the state of the world as you see it and to have an opportunity to share in up to 45mins (estimated) what it is you are doing to better protect yourself from events in the world today.

I plan to start recording episodes from Monday 22nd January. If anyone would like to help me do some testing before then, I would REALLY appreciate that!

Thank you for your time, I am really looking forward to doing this and listening to the great information/stories and pearls of wisdom that guests will surely have.

Might even turn it into a live show at some point, but this is new territory so I think pre-recorded is a good start :-) Once I'm used to doing a few shows we can obviously have more than one guest and have different and perhaps even conflicting ideas and opinions :-)

At all times though as I am a promoter of free speech you'll be free and able to speak your mind about any subject at all relating to preparedness. If you would say it in real life I would want you to say it on the podcast.

The podcast will be going up on DTube and BitChute initially, but I may look to putting it elsewhere too. Depending on it's popularity and user demand for it to be available elsewhere for the listeners convenience (if I'm able to do so).

Be safe and be prepared
Geordie Prepper

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