Proposal - New sites for hosting our recorded content!

In addition to Soundcloud, YouTube, and soon to be iTunes - customminer and I were talking about looking for other sites to host our content. I have found a few decent looking options:

"The rabble podcast network is a growing collection of Canadian podcasts that offer an alternative take on politics, entertainment, society, stories, community and life in general. They've been handpicked and are hosted on a platform created by, Canada's leading online news service for the progressive left."

Citizen Science had a podcast that hasn't been updated in a while... but it shows the site is ready for our type of content.

This site is kind of like mumble, but they record it for you. Not suggesting we use it to record... they actually have an option to upload pre-recorded/edited content once you make an account. Also, once content is uploaded, it will provide an RSS feed for the chats... which i can then add to the bot.

Examples of shows already on talkshoe:

I think maybe the Computer category, and not Science... appears to be more geared toward Sci-Fi.

"This interactive website has tools for progressive activists. You can use it to start a campaign, share activism resources, publicize events, and build networks. Or you can join an existing campaign, get resources, learn about upcoming activist events, and let people find you."

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