And we're done. Congratulations @beercake on a resounding victory.

A couple of late deaths close to the finish line, but half of us made it

Here are the final results:

Beercake, powering on from the first, finishing on level 85. A class act. ~ 50 steem sent
Gamingchimp, Level 82; never letting him rest, always sniffing at his heels. ~ 30 steem sent
Cipriang, Bouncing back with a level 72 necromancer after the tragic loss of a level 59 templar ~ 20 steem sent

Buggedout and Ratticus, my bushrangers; tying at level 39, setting the stage for an epic rivalry.
I was keeping a careful eye on them both, and didn't notice Gamingchimp has a Level 42 ranger, giving him second place as well as top ranger.
SamuelDouglas with a tanky Level 35 marauder
Cryptosenpai storming back with a level 26 witch after the loss of a promising shadow.

Alannapendragon, Enjar, Holoz0r, and Moonwalker failed to cross the finish line.
Jimmybreeze and o07 failed to cross the starting line.

Lots of great images in the different update posts from competitors #poecomp

Leave feedback below. What did I get right, what could be improved. Can someone shed some light on the SSF mechanics? I'd love to have it back as a requirement if possible. Was the race too long? Too short?
Speak now or forever hold your intestines in.

I'd like to thank everyone for getting involved, putting yourselves out there and having a go.
I'll be doing this again when the next league launches, hope to catch you then.

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