Creative Writing Challenge Task 3: Picture Story

Take a look at this image:

It was taken 2 days ago with my old smart phone.

What you see is an image of a plane approaching the airport. The plane is the light circled in red.

Your task is writing a short story related with that plane.

I will assume that you don't need any hints because you are creative enough to think in and out of the box.

Think of your story as a part of a bigger one, even as big as a novel if you'd like.

Story Time...

Running full speed. Jump on the nearest ladder. Climb as high as possible.

Did I make it on time?

Looks up and searches the sky for answers. It comes every night. Sometimes I catch it at the very end. Sometimes I catch it as it launches across the sunset. Most nights it seems so far. Sometimes it seems to expand beyond the skyline. Tonight, I snap a picture. Circle it in red for all to see. The dot of hope circles around twice tonight.

Is it a plane? Is it a bird? I will tell you what it isn't. It isn't filled with flowers to the wedding that was canceled. It isn't going to the venue with a two year waiting list. This plane carries loved ones and their belongs. This plane is destined to destinations predetermined. All are wondering the same thoughts...

Did I make it on time?

Arriving early to arrange. Some are delayed and on their way. Either way any arrangements must be rearranged. Encouraged to engage in the process. Some have dresses to sell. Some have vendors to cancel. Three years waiting to say yes and now we wave goodbye. Doing was my challenge and undoing will be theirs. Frustrated with all the time spent on pictures and pieces. Careful consideration of color specific invitation and thank you cards. Planning to plan then un-planning the planned.

There are no tears. The secret to surviving this destruction of what once was a dream is to run. Running full speed. Jump on the nearest ladder. Climb as high as possible. On top of this building I am the furthest from the reality down under. Up here I am safe. Up here all I see is that plane. That plane that looks like a bird flying free. It flies free of the promises that once was shared between two souls. All wondering the same thoughts...

Did I make it on time?

I ran, I climbed, I jumped into the black hole of avoidance. Every new challenge, every new phase, every new day is a breath of new air. This air doesn't hold the reality from what once was, but holds the promise of a better tomorrow. A new normal is much like learning to breathe without oxygen. It hurts and feels like death. So unbearable is the pain. Until your body readjusts. It accepts its new terms for living. Each day your body is fighting to function. Each day gaining new ground and easing the struggle.


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