No Strings Attached (Original poem, Collaboration with @everlove)

No Strings Attached


Its been a while you went away
You left me heart broken, hopelessly,
on an unknown way.

I remember growing up
with you was so much fun,
It has always been you,
I couldn't talk to anyone.

Time passed away, and
in seconds we grew up
I was alone, you chose to be
the tea of Someone else's cup

The promise of being friends forever
was meant to be broken
I fell in love with you,
it had been spoken.

Expectations were crushed,
the strings were never
meant to be attached.
You took your decision,
our paths were detached.

For all this time
I missed you everyday
Hoping you are doing well
and you go a long way

Driving down the memory lane
I won't move on
I am waiting for you,
for you to pull my strings on .

Its an collaborative work with @everlove, I totally appreciate this initiative and I hope I can play contribute in some way.

Thanks for all support, Follow me @mindfreak

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