Starting Over (An Original Poem)

Starting Over

This poem is based on true story. I wrote this poem a year back when I came to know about the story of my new neighbor. She is such a strong woman. She always keep her head high and she is doing great in her life. I hope you like it.


I was thinking, today,
about how I got where I am.
I was comparing my now,
to my memories of then.

I thought of you and the years
that we had,
The times together
both good and bad.

I remember how we met,
how it was love at first sight,
How we were together
every day, every night.

The fun things we did,
the places we went.
The beach, the zoo and
camping in the tent.

The concerts we enjoyed,
all the friends that we annoyed..
With all our talks of each other,
I'm sure they all thought,"Oh, brother!"

But we fell in love from
the moment we met.
Together forever.
It was sure bet.

We talked and we laughed,
we kissed in the rain.

Whoever thought that it would end with such pain?

We bought our home.
We had a baby.
Happily ever after,
There was no maybe.

But then things changed.
Your words were so cruel.
Your anger was a fire,
with limitless fuel.

I tried to fix things,
I tried to fix things right.
But the kindness you once showed had gone,
taken flight.

I finally gave up on the dream,
we once had.
I packed my things,
It had gotten so bad.

I went on my own,
I had to make my own way,
For me,
It was the start of brand new day.

It was the kids and I.
Starting a new life.
A single mom.
No longer your wife.

Sure some days were hard,
I missed what I had.
But soon I was having
more good days than bad!

In case you are wondering
how this story ends,
I've gotten back on my feet,
with the help of my friends.

Some days I stumble.
I trip, I fall.
But I am true to myself,
Most important of all.

So if you ever think back on time
that we shared,
or if you have eve wondered
just how I have fared...

Thanks for your concern,
but you can rest your mind.
I'm happy, I'm well,
and I'm doing just fine!

Thanks for lovely picture, Pixabay.

Thanks for all support, Follow me @mindfreak.

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