You Do Not Love Me [Poem]

You Do Not Love Me

Loving you
is like attempting
to live on the sun
– never a happy ending.

Saw red flags waving
yet I ignored,
had a clear exit
but I blocked it out.

Been trying to get you to love me
the same way I love you,
giving you my all,
you must think I am a fool.

Last night,
the expression on your face
remained indifferent,
even as you were inside me.

I lie in bed with you,
upset, put hands
on your chest,
warmth escapes my palms.

My eyes glance at your face,
it is staring at the wall.

Now I know,
you are just a man
without a heart.

This post has been posted on Poetry by Jeremy

Update: This poem has been chosen for my weekly series, and now has a video Spoken Word Poem #3: You Do Not Love Me

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