Doorway to my soul



Doorway to my Soul


My hand touched the cold warm frame while looking through the doorway.

The air was thick from the day's heat. The doorway offering shade.

Finally cool from the days long walk, my heart stops beating the beat of a tambourine.

From my body, sweat starting to cool, goosebumps arose.

What greeted my eye's as I looked within was something out of an old tale,

told late at night, near a warm fire, to keep everyone alive.

The doorway held so many thoughts, dreams, looking upon all within.

Moss, old thoughts, covered some of what I was seeing.

The journey then continued, looking farther within.

Destruction, a people long ago, was next to sear its way into my soul.

Saddest I had ever seen.

To feel dreams reduced to rubble, spoke to my damaged soul.

Father on, just like life, you could see the light of dawn.

To make the journey, need must be strong.


I had enough strength to make it through it all.

My surroundings,

the doorway, all within, kept calling to my soul.

Did I dare, do I dare, take the walk within?

The question as old as time.

Right then, thoughts came,

of all I had to lose, by walking through the doorway.

My first step inside, all became clear.

Knowing I had nothing to lose,

very much to gain,

trusting in the sign,

of my new life before me.

The stunning photo was taken by none other than @mikesthoughts. I was looking through his posts because I relate a lot to what he writes and his photography is outstanding. We have become friends in a very short time through commenting on each others posts. The Magic of Steemit strikes again!

When I saw the photo above it spoke to my soul, which has been a tad down in the dumps of late. Anyway.......

I wrote him a comment telling him I was stealing his photo......well, not stealing, taking his photo, and now was mine.

Because I'm nice like that!

He, in turn, replied, " Lol. Feel free to steal my doorways. I can only build them, you are the one that must choose whether or not to walk through."

Little did he know, what I was already writing in my head, as soon as I saw this doorway.

Thank YOU, my friend @mikesthoughts, for sharing, with no strings attached, at the drop of a hat!

I don't know many people that would do such a thing as that.

Thank you to all my friends for putting up with me as much as you all do!!


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