Happy Life! ~ A Poem


Three little grapes chugging up a tree.

Who do they meet? but a busy little bee.

The bee floats away on a cloud of good cheer,

to encounter a fly wallowing by.

The fly waves hello to everyone he meets,

as flies are creatures and do love to meet.

The dance of the flowers, in the fields, on this day,

is a wondrous thing, for all to display.

The critters, all kinds, happy to bed,

wake up in the morning, as nap time has speed.

The wishing of all has brought the sun,

who decided today, was a good day for puns.

The trees had a ball while tossing out puns,

until one got away and decided this was no fun.

The bluebirds took over, as birds dew.


And then it was time for all the animals to be in their dens.


The sun said goodbye going off to sleep,

while the moon woke up with nearly a peep.

The moon watched over as everyone sleeps,

bringing good tidings to all that lay so deep.

And so it begins, the next day to come,

as the world gets ready,

to live,




This is my Day 57: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Three grapes

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