Who Enter To Whom


Don't enter into a relation if you knew it's only a joke,
Don't makes me hopes;
For the words that you cannot stand,
And don't love me;
Especially if I'll be left alone,
In the end.

It wasn't me who enter,
It's my world whom you enter;
Since then i felt my strength is renew,
A strength that even in your simple little smile;
It makes my heart wanted to blew.

I felt like I've known you long ago,
But even though just by seeing you everyday;
Is like a new day,
That brings with new hopes.

A hopes that someday,
My confused world will be fix;
You broke the wall that I build around,
One by one you break it down.

At first I wanted to stay away from you,
Makes you go away and leave me;
But I'm getting used to it,
Getting used to the sound of the stone,
The wall in my heart that slowly fall.

It feels good,
That even there's a big barrier;
There is someone,
That will slowly save you;
From your own jail.

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