❤️Bounty4Love : Falling Star

Comfy, cozy tucked in bed, she dreams of seeing stars

Shooting, shining sparks of love, so close they touch the heart

She grabs the light and holds on tight, falling side by side

Her eyes burn bright, reflecting sight of streaking cross the sky

Descending fast, she fears at last shes falling much too quick

The blaze will burn too deep to learn to quell the touch of panic

"You must let go and fall alone." She told herself that night

Made up her mind and left behind the love of all her life

She closed her eyes and cried inside to drift among the stars

Yet at sunrise she woke surprised, resting gently in his arms

Now they lay in warm embrace, why he stayed she cannot tell

He held her tight and whispered light "I caught you when you fell."

I encourage everyone to read some great poetry entered in a contest here :


Maybe you will share your own!  :-)

As always,

Thanks for stopping by
Good Luck and Enjoy!

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