Don't dream it just steemit!!! ( The way to Steem) Original Poem Steemit Exclusive ( It is all Real)


Don't dream it
Just Steemit

Make post after post
To be more than the most

Have no expectations
On any curations

Strange things happen here
When a whale is near

So don't you just dream
Find your right theme

Start creating at once
To give yourself chance

To be part of something bigger
At the beginning before the trigger

Show love and compassion
To all minnows with passion

This is the way to Steem
Don't like it. Find another Dream.

By Angel Veselinov

Hope you like it guys. The theme continues. I will probably make those types of poems to be part of Steemit Educational Poetry Series (For Dummies) What You Say ? Should I start labeling those poems like that. I think people can gain some knowledge as well as having a laugh at my bad poetry skills :P haha. God Bless you all. Thank you for stopping by. The pleasure is all mine. Take Care. Peace.

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