Have no Fear - Original Poem - Steemit Exclusive (Motivational Poetry)


Have no fear
that the end is near

It is clear
it will come
But my dear
You're not the only one

It all has a beginning and end
So forget about your fear my friend

Things naturally happen this way
No one is here forever to stay

So live in the now
Do what you feel
Than learn the know-how
Of what is real

Have no fear
Cause that is when love appear

Believe it or not if love you have got
There is no fear you're at the right spot

You can do it all
Actions come one after another
No fear of fall
Don't let failure bother

By Angel Veselinov

Hey guys. Back again with new piece. I think we all let fear to distract us and push us back from our dreams and the things we can do if we just try... So don't let fear make you stop creating. It is always better to create something than have nothing to show for your time. God Bless You all. Peace. Enjoy your stay.

Image Credit : https://pixabay.com/en/hong-kong-hammock-girl-relaxation-2048857/

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