Want to feel good again? - Original Poem Steemit Exclusive - Ty All for the support


What to feel good again?
But how to get rid of the pain
It is easy first forgive yourself
Than all the others who help

Trough forgiveness we find
An emotionless bound
Soon it all comes to place
In the right time and space

Have to keep going
No matter the cost
All time you've been throwing
Will not be lost

To feel good again
Just use this switch
Say I am ready to gain
I am no bodies B***

By Angel Veselinov

Hope you feel good again like I do now guys. Had a rough 24 hours ... First my big daughter got some virus puking up during the nigh... And it followed on to me... I hope it does not get my wife and the small baby ... So that is why I wrote this piece I feel a bit better so hopefully more stuff to come tomorrow. Best Wishes you all God Bless.

Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/en/smiley-laugh-funny-emotions-2989144/

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