The Daily Poem # 13 - Welcome (a repost as part of the SPU Poetry Contest, week 2)

I've challenged myself to write a poem-a-day for the remainder of February (and maybe into March, we'll see how it goes...). Now that the Daily Doodle is a thing (note: I have since gone to a "Semi-Daily Doodle"), and I know that I'm actually capable of creating and posting a brand new drawing each day, I'd like to see if I can do the same with poetry.

The hardest part for me is often coming up with a topic! So please, if there's something you'd like to read a poem about, post your idea in the comments below. No topic too trivial, too deep, or too weird. It could be anything from "the meaning of life" to "used bubble gum".

Today's Daily Poem can be found in my entry to this week's SPU Poetry Contest, here: . The challenge this week was to write a brand new poem based on an old one. It could be a rewrite, or it could be a completely new poem that uses the older poem as a point of departure, as inspiration. I chose to write a brand new poem inspired by an older one.

Here is the poem I used as inspiration for today's SPU Poetry Contest entry:


And belonging
Are two very different things.
You can have your favorite straitjacket
That seat on the bus you always go to
Insults worn so smooth
Through repetitive use
That their meaning is blunted.
You can stand in the corner
Facing the wall
And think about what you've done
And it can be comforting
same as yesterday
And most likely tomorrow.
But when you start to get an inkling
Of where you belong
It can be like boarding a spaceship
And traveling
Across the inky black ocean
In which stars
Black holes and quasars
Swim like fish
And arriving
On a completely different
And thinking:
I'm home.

©2018 Bennett Italia


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