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Just to see you there is a maelstrom of thoughts,
Those who by parenting tell me that something has to happen.
In them draws the worst of the circumstance that neither
You could even imagine, for the simple fact of crossing
Our looks and not being able to avoid it.

I know something will happen, because this is what life is about, but
Because looking at you will have to be bad what happens?
Is it a curse you were born with your dark fur
And deep eyes that when we see you hypnotize us? Will it be for
A sin you must pay?

Or will you be a deity that makes me think that I have sinned
In contemplating so much divinity, forcing to think that
I must be punished for my banality, to flaunt such
Pleasure that I am not worthy to enjoy.

And because I don't believe that having the bliss of contemplating your
Wonderful Being, is an announcement of a divine gift that
It augurs a bright future that must happen to me.

In thinking carefully about all the options, I have sat
The bases with which I will proceed, being good or
Bad what's going to happen, I'll enjoy this
Moment to appreciate the wonderful being that has
Allowed to comprehend, that I should only believe what
Now my eyes allow me to see and what has to happen,
It will be for an action I have to commit.

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