Naughty Tim (a cautionary tale)

This is a cautionary tale that I wrote for homework, when I was 13. I never kept a copy, though, so it has changed somewhat.

Blue Jay

Image Mike's birds, flikr

Naughty Tim

A mother said to her son Tim,
“Don’t mess about inside that bin,
A germ may jump and bite your head,
You’ll be ill in a day; in a week you’ll be dead.”

But Tim was bad and didn’t hear,
He dumpster dived and saw some beer.
“Yum, yum”, he thought and scratched his chin,
“My first beer is in a tin.”

That naughty boy he drank that dirt;
Some of it dribbled down his shirt.
The germs attacked poor Tim’s tummy;
He felt sick so ran to his mummy.

“I’m ill”, he said, “put me in bed,
For in a week I'll be dead.”
The doctors worked, but what a shame!
No germs went but more germs came!

Father made a proclamation:
“Time soon for reincarnation.”
The little boy cried, both night and day
but decided to come back as a jay.

So listen hard and listen good,
A bin’s no place to find your food.

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