Poetry Slam Challenge No. 5: Limericks: The Dollar Vigilante, The Boss, The Poet {Original}

Three limericks of entry to Prufarchy's poetry slam challenge no 5

Female Gorilla at Taronga Zoo


The Dollar Vigilante
There was a dollar vigilante,
Who read charts ’till his eyes were slanty.
He predicted a crash
With such global whiplash,
That we all have skids in our panty.

The next limerick is irreverent so GSOH required.

The Poet
There was a young poet named Pru,
Competitions he held quite a few,
His mission to find
The poetic of mind,
He shouldn’t have looked in a zoo.

The final limerick is a re-post, so it may not be eligible for the comp but is added for fun.

The Boss
There was once a boss in a city,
Who treated employees quite shitty
But then a re-shuffle,
Caused quite a ker-fuffle:
That big bitch was out on her titty.

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