Kalevala shortly #1 - The birth of Väinämöinen

"My mind is restless feeling like, my head is filled of thoughts as like:
to open my chest of voices, that escort my words through the air,
pour my verses flowing make them, sing my lines and flying make them.
My mouth cannot hold them no more, on my teeth they are fallen on.

Once upon a time there was one, virgin of air, gorgeous Ilmatar
who rested on gardens of atmosphere, on its vast fields.
In her time she got bored on resting on his yard and she stepped down, settled on the waves, on the back of a clear open sea.

While she was drifting on the blue, the sea impregnated her.
She carried her womb but the birth was late, for years of time the fetus of creation refused to be born.

The virgin, mother of air, swam all the coasts in pain and in her suffering heat she cried:

"Oh why oh why up in the air, I did not stay instead I'm here,
driven by waves in pain, in cold, only that is for me here now
Oh Ukko, Ukko supreme god, holder of all air, atmosphere!
Come here when I'm in help of yours, visit here when you are needed!
Let the maid out of his suffer, wife out of his aching stomach!"

A moment went, a span past, and a bluebill came. Everywhere it flew looking for land not finding it, until the mother of sea raised her knee.

The bluebill noticing it, taking it for grass, ascended to it and made its nest, hatching its eggs.

But the virgin of air felt her knee burn, her skin carbonizing and her veins melting.
She trembled her knee and the eggs rolled down to the sea crackling to pieces. But the shrapnels didn't go to waste but turned into good beautiful pieces:
the downside of an egg into mother earth,
the upside into sky above,
the yolk into sun to shine,
the albumen into moon to glow,
where it was colored, those as stars up to the sky,
where it was blackened, those as clouds in the atmosphere.

As the time progressed, began the mother of sea, virgin of air, shape her own creation by manipulating her body:
she rotated her hands, turned the bottom of the sea with her feet, rolled on her side and as such were capes, hadal graves, coasts, fishing waters, islets and shoals created.

Meantime Väinämöinen's impatience grew: he thinks how to be, how to see the world outside her mothers womb:

"Oh moon, oh stars let me see them, in my days I want to learn them,
from these strange doors I want out to, from this place tight, fore'ign nest."

But when the moon didn't orbit nor did the days let him, he grew impatient:
with his pinky finger he onced the gate of the castle, with his left toe he slithered the bony lock. And so he fell into the sea, down among the waves where he drifted for years until drifting to a nameless cape.

And he rose up to look the moon, to adore the day, to learn about the Big Bear, to scan all stars in the sky.

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