Hello everyone greetings from @chickenburger,
Just over a month old, niche found,
But still not an earner,
With Plenty of time still to be crowned.

Now I have already introduced myself once before,
But it only consisted of two lines,
And was a bit of a bore,
My pockets sure weren’t filling up with dimes.

My earlier posts were a bit bland,
Surprised none of them haven’t been banned,
Just random junk,
Which could have been written even if drunk.

There are many ways to express yourself on here,
Poetry is mine,
And although I’m no Shakespeare,
Keeps my mind busy with a glass of wine.

I’m thirty two years young,
Sometimes say the wrong things,
With a slip of the tongue,
Which can drive people round the bend,
But It’s not my intention to offend.

Driving a bus around the city of London is where most of time spent,
Id rather be at home with family and trying to rhyme,
But got to somehow pay my rent,
If only one had more time.

To keep in shape, and look after my physique,
I practice Tae kwon Do about twice a week,
I think it’s important to look after your heart,
Even if not for self-defence,
You may need to dart,
And if you haven’t the power to run away,
Beaten up, bleeding, dying you may.

I Would consider myself an introvert,
Quiet reserved, hiding at the back kind of guy,
Who would say no if invited to a concert,
Kind, helpful and just a bit shy.

Don’t get me wrong I love music,
It’s just the crowds closely huddled together,
Combined with the miserable weather,
Even on a sunny day,
At home is where I would prefer to stay.

So I hope you enjoyed this intro post,
And that it was better than my last,
Hopefully soon a whale will show,
Now that my rod is cast.

Picture drawn by me @chickenburger

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