A Tribute In Verse to Robert A. Heinlein, "Dean of Science Fiction"

"Love your country, but never trust its government."
- Robert A. Heinlein -

Who's my favorite author?

Hands down, it's Robert A. Heinlein, "The Dean of Science Fiction".

What's my favorite book?

"The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress"

If you've ever read anything by Heinlein, you can understand my appreciation for the man. While I continue to pick up and read science fiction novels regularly, I'm always hoping for, but never finding Heinlein's peer.

Heinlein: Dean of Science Fiction

Heinlein: Dean of Science Fiction
Image courtesy of Thomas Budach and http://pixabay.com

I recently wrote a review of a wonderful book about time travel.

I read and thoroughly enjoyed "Last Year. I could hardly put it down.

Yet, despite its goodness, "Last Year" never quite did for me what Heinlein's books were, and still are, able to do.

Realizing this, I find myself desperately wishing that Robert Heinlein were still with us, still writing. Wishing that the life-extension technologies he often wrote of had arrived in time to serve him. Wishing, even, that his consciousness might have been uploaded into an electronic brain.

His writing helped create the future, and still inspires today.

These thoughts inspired me to write a poem in Heinlein's honor.

The Dean of Science Fiction

If Heinlein were still writing,
I’d be happy as a clam.
I’d have his latest paperback,
Kindle, or Hologram.

What a shame! Rejuvenation
tech was not online,
To make him the real Lazarus
Long, lingering through time.

If R.A.H. were with us still,
penning thoughts profound,
inspired by fresh space operas,
I’d ever break new ground.

The roads, once stationary,
once more would start to roll.
A "space cadet" would be a man
who made the honor roll.

Youthful readers would look up,
imagining the thrill
of treading distant planetoids
while honing each new skill.

Roads would become passé,
soon surpassed by better things.
Soaring cars, autonomous,
would transport without wings.

Authors of his quality
but once in life appear.
God rest your soul, friend R.A.H.
Your words still bring me cheer.


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