“War is the only game in which both sides lose.”
– Sir Walter Scott –
Today is a solemn, somber day.
Have we learned anything from our past?
Have we learned anything?
Image courtesy of Neil Thomas and http://unsplash.com
Where have all the flowers gone?
"An Armistice Day Lament"
~by Duncan Cary Palmer~
How the mighty have fallen,
rightly to be mourned.
But let us also
pause and lament…
The beliefs
The ideas
The perverse notions,
Misbegotten memes
that send our sons
to early graves.
Should we not
pause today, indeed?
Despise the fraud?
Discount the hype,
Decry the pride,
Deny the hubris.
Can we not see
How poorly used we are?
was right,
As was J.F.K.
Arms dealers,
They march us
off to war,
while the golden river of
our children’s blood
pours into vaults
already overflowing.
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