Runaway Rhymes - 🏄"The Mermaid and the Waterman"🌊

Surf poetry in motion; riding the waves with a favorite mermaid...

This is my entry into the "Runaway Rhymes Competition #2: Brave the Wave" poetry competition.

The Gorgeous Young Mermaid from Bremen...

The Gorgeous Young Mermaid from Bremen...
Photo courtesy of Jeremy Bishop and

"The Mermaid and the Waterman"

A gorgeous young mermaid from Bremen
fell in love with a wave-riding seaman.
"Let's surf tandem!" he said.
She, once raised overhead,
unimpressed, quipped: “So, now you're a he-man?"
He knew that his lady was flighty,
disposed to such careless remarks;
So, thinking to mend her,
a lim'rick he’d send her,
to lighten her petulant heart.
“Sweet mermaid, I’ll speak you my mind.
Your disparaging words are a blight!
Could you but truly ken
the harm that they’ve been,
You’d regale me with words more polite.
She, taking his lecture to heart,
says “I wist not the hurt that I’ve wrought.
Forgive me, I pray!
Let us start each new day
Seeking love in each deed, word, and thought.”


"A Darkling Winter Day" - Photo courtesy of Tim Marshall and

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This post is intended to count towards @dragosroua's Challenge30.

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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