Some Raw Advice To A Young Writer: "Sex Sells"๐Ÿ’˜

Long ago, when I had my first serious crush on a girl, her older brother told me something I couldn't accept at the time...

"That's not love - that's 'puppy love.' You don't really love her; you're just physically attracted to her."

I was blown away. I found it hard, nigh unto impossible, to believe what he said. Protesting vehemently, I denied it. My love was true, my heart was pure.

After an additional half-century or so of contemplation, I have concluded that he was right.

Today, I admit my error, publicly, in Haiku form...

Love at First Blush

Love at First Blush
Photo courtesy of Brigitte Tohm and

๐Ÿ“–Raw Advice to a Young Writer๐Ÿ“–

A Haiku

Write to the gonads.
Sex sells, even when implied;
heart and mind will follow.

No, I'm not talking about porn or anything even remotely explicit.

All you need do is include the age-old tale of the natural attraction between a man and a woman in your stories, and you'll be much more likely to hold your reader's interest. I've written about this before in a "less plain, more gentle" format here:

What's At the Heart of a Story? - A Haiku

The message is still the same; love makes the world go 'round!

Writing Fundamentals

Writing Fundamentals
Photo courtesy of Sergey Zolkin and

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This post is intended to count towards @dragosroua's Challenge30.

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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