Uncertainty (Original Poem)


We belong to each other,

Yes we may belong;

Going down under,

Or up we go along.

Swaying in the wind,

Like branches we swing;

Pulling one of us,

Or fooling again.

I been here before,

And want to be hurt no more;

Uncertainties of what's coming,

Is now slowly creeping;

And torturing my brain.

I told you before,

Should I still need to tell you some more?

Guard your heart in wrong desire;

You may plan it or not,

But it slowly arise.

I was been in agony,

I was been into anxiety;

I wasted to much,

I was being detached.

You  plead it was no more,

Your wiser than before;

Then heck what this is now,

Seems you travel the same road once more.

So much I wanted to ask,

So much what I needed to say;

But I don't want to waste your time,

Then let it be me;

To be disturb by this uncertainty!

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