TIME - By Stina


Source - Pixabay

There are days where the tree is full of roses,
Blooming in colour, right under our noses.

Everybody stops to admire its beauty,
Sweet and comforting like a hot cup of fruit tea.

As the days roll by the petals start falling,
One by one, you don’t realise the warning.

Deep in its winter, it’s no longer the same,
The tree is bare, was this caused by the rain?

Nobody stares and they just walk on by,
It is no longer radiant like a butterfly.

But the tree is still beautiful deep in its roots,
Just no longer wearing its birthday suite.

The tree stays calm and welcomes this time,
Just like we shut down at bedtime.

Before you loose faith and think it’s all over,
Stop for a moment and look a bit closer.

Slowly you’ll see the tree starts to green,
Day by day, like a non-stop machine.

Until again it shows off its wonder,
Teaching us to never be scared of the thunder.

By - Stina
Source - hellopoetry
Note - credit goes to the writer

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