Steemit Poetry Contest #16 - Mind your Mind

Hello to All within the greater Steemit area! I am back for my 10th official poem of the year 2018! I am very excited to participate in @terrycraft's always enjoyable #16th Steemit Poetry Contest. I have struggled to keep posting daily, but I have a lot of fun stuff that we are working on, as always, and am bringing some new people to the Steem family!

Chip Sheep.jpg
Herbavores imagine grasses

Without further ado, I present my poetic entry. Please read to the bottom for a giveaway opportunity!

Mind your Mind

Innovation comes from the
most dazzl'ling use of mind,
always searching out for a
genius thought left to be mined.

Ideas each awaken
new truths for us to find.
Absolute Infinity,
too relative, has mind.

I can see the links between
one future and a sign;
no doubt imagination
starts right inside our minds.

Thanks for stopping by! I have been thinking recently about 'giveaways', and I have found the perfect system to make it happen, @steembasicincome. I am still working out exactly how to present the 'giveaway', but just to test the waters I will be nominating for a share the author of the best comment on this post, as judged by me ;p

Love and Light to All!

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