THE POET: ~Perilous Beauty~ An Odd One. A tasty morsel for 200 followers.


Instants of truth de-mask forms mystery,
Revealing the wonder of what once was unknown.
The hearts purpose rising beyond instinctual grounds,
Within the center of light all unfolds
And the vastness that is love receives ones beauty.

Visions of wo-man as one arose all alone,
Eyes so radiant seared the heart unbound,
A visage hidden behind a mask of spiraling holds
The esoteric wonder of what must be free.
Her yearning for healing in an instant shown.

The sight now aware of the garment around
This being; a shroud of mist enfolds
A formless essence apparent as perilous beauty.
So alive the witness allows the darkness to atone,
For truth in its simplistic surrender is found.

As one's consciousness arises more meaning is foretold.
Lying atop her breasts of pearl, a piece of jewelry
Lay, which illuminates the soul no one owns.
A seeming ruby of enlightening that surrounds
All being; her bosom within knows loves mould.

Worn on the brow, a golden crown one sees,
Now rays of holiness undo fears groan,
As she abides in paradise where songs of joy resound.
The highest courts graced by a presence untold,
For what is spoken is lost in the keepers memory.

Now the separateness of loss redeemed by truth
First bewilders then releases the mind of reason,
As her persona of perfection is realized.
The pilgrim now is the vision it always knew,
While one may voice suggestion, she, is eternally you.

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