Poetry Dice Entry: Night Sweats

DQmVcpizTxmcT4A3KoVx4KkbjhaDzWciZdpTUVsuim3HzY7_1680x8400 (1).jpg
.......the dice were shaken, and fell, and beneath them lay a poem:

Hot sweat burning inside,
And I'm a child trying to get out.

Trapped in a closet on the fifth floor.
Happy or sad, I don't know.

Dense smoke, so I can't see.
I open toward the outside and crawl,

But the direction isn't clear.
The sign's been spun.

And still I crawl across the floor,
knowing my shell is too heavy.

The weight grows unbearable,
pushing the air from my lungs.

Tremors and terrors rise in the dark.
Eerily taunting me in pale gray light.

And there I expire; or do I sleep?
Still pinned to the floor.

Consciousness tangos from the room,
and strange mirages dance.

Fluttering like a million butterflies,
Streams of neon beams batter my brain.

And I awake, drenched in sweat.
......just a dream.

(Original work of em3, 8/4/17)

This is my entry into PDC3K Week 5 by @robyneggs
Thank you for this opportunity to challenge my mind!


Steem is such a cool platform for crowd fueled artistic energy!! Can't do it alone? Do it with someone else! Two heads are better than one, and 3000 are the best! Have a look around and you can find something fun as well!
Are you a minnow looking for a 'school'? Checkout the minnowsupportproject and PALnet on the Discord app!!
DQmNx8GkdyrEt6N542tfXddgHvRHChtNq1hmEJNx2iv68Ui_1680x8400.png (yunk art by @atopy)

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