IMPROMPTU HAIKU Vol. 6 (Holiday Edition plus Book Giveaway)

Welcome to the special holiday edition of Impromptu Haiku! Each time I post a new installment of this series I’m both entertained and amazed by your creativity.

The act of writing haiku is a highly effective way to keep your creativity muscle sharp. Writing haiku regularly also crushes the effects of writer’s block by opening up channels of creativity you had no idea existed.

What is Haiku?

In case you've never heard the term haiku or have been out of school for a very long time (like I have) and the memories are hazy...the definition of Haiku is as follows:

Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry. Traditional haiku consist of 17 total syllables, in three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively.

This post is meant be interactive. I encourage you to write your own holiday themed haiku in the comments below (first line should be 5 syllables, second line 7 syllables, third line 5 syllables)

Here’s mine:

Fresh snow falls softly,
oak logs crackle and burn bright,
warmth, is the best gift

(Gif sourced from

Share your Holiday themed Haiku in the comments below! Happy Holidays everyone!

One participant will be chosen at random to receive a free autographed copy of my book on writing, One Word At A Time, Finding Your Way as an Indie Author.

Included in this book are over twenty years of lessons I’ve learned as a writer (most of them, the hard way). I’m happy to be able to share it with you.

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