The dialogue between the Old Town and the Island. Poem + Photo

This poem was inspired by the photo I shot. Hope you like it!

old town and island.jpg

The old town asked the island:
“Why was I built here? Who was inspired?
Couldn’t they find the highlands?
Eternal shouts of tourists… – I’m tired!”

The island says: “You don’t need to worry
I’m older and I’ve seen a lot.
All will pass. Don’t flurry!
This is the fate you got.

Do not despond and please me…
How you glow with the last sun rays...
How your walls splash in the sea…
Try to enjoy with me these days!

It’s not forever!
You must remember!”

Here you can find my earlier poems:
What money will be used in 15 years?
Tale Poem!
Under the impression of the Swedish forest!

Best wishes!

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