Emotions Run Deep...


Emotions run deep, deeper than you can imagine. It has its root in our thoughts and foreshadows our desires. I write sometimes as the words come but most times it stems from feelings I have. Feelings I hold within me. It may not make sense to someone out there reading it. Still, it is my soul’s outlet. It is like a fresh wound. It is bad enough to have an injury but then, without the broken surface, there would be no means to let out the bad blood.

There is a void in most of us that only words can feel. We bleed not words, but emotions, feelings. I may not come off as the person you would want to spend the rest of your days with. What I do know is that I have a story to tell and tell it I will.
Spare my madness for a while. If you’ll look inside, yours is there too. Sometimes, it is okay to rise against the odds. Come off differently from what people want to see. We did not come here to put up a show everyone would like. I am no circus, I am no joker. You have your life and I have mine. It is what makes us unique.
I have now written two hundred and twenty words. I still feel there’s more so let me go on.

What is ideal for others may not be for us. Why put up a good face if it kills you on the inside. I am a soft flowing body of water. It may not be your regular but it is fine with me quite all right. Can you spare some originality just this time?

Beauty strikes you in a way, it strikes me in another. I am not less than you because of the way I perceive things. Let me be.

Live and let live. Will you?

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