Return to The Garden

Creation of Adam Michaelangelo.jpg

A wave of matter and form.
I surge, I crest, I touch.
I break,
I recede,
I'm touched.
These dark waters of me and mine ebb and flow, recumbent and slumbering, raging and limitless.
I am self contained yet without bounds.
I long to be shaped, as I retreat from your touch.
I am dashed by your body.
We make beautiful paintings in the air, droplets prisming light.

The waves crash against a rocky cliff.
The cliff stands proud and tall.
Unbreaking, it has withstood the waves.
Unbending, it has born an empty lighthouse like a finger in the eye of God.
A basalt foundation bearing the weight of uncaring skies,
a lonely sentinel withstanding the fates.
Come! it shouted at the world.
Come, it urged the ships.
Come, it invited the birds and the bees.
Come, it whispered to the winds.
And cliff, and lighthouse, stood lonely and tall.
And darkness, and cold, and waves, would draw none near.
Draw none here.
None, but an Angel.
An Angel with a Sword of Flame.

The Promethean Spark of you has lit a bonfire within.
A lighthouse to disperse the mists of Ever-sleep.
A lighthouse to banish the sleet of solitude.
Blinding rays of light shoot forth from my sea-foam green eyes,
alerting passing sails, marauding ships,
telling them a stake has been made,
the cliff had been claimed.
The lighthouse now stands manned.
An Angel has been Named.

Beyond the ocean,
guarded by the lone cliff, by the lighthouse, by the Ever-Spinning Flame, a garden exists.
A garden for two,
a garden for me and you.
A garden for beautiful paintings in the air to be enjoyed.
A garden for sweet and warm waters to lap at merged souls.
A garden for the Angel to kneel.
A garden where a snake will not bite the heel.
A garden spoken of in lore.
A garden once barred, now opened,

This poem is inspired by, written for, and dedicated to @mamadini. She, and you lot now, know how I feel.

Thanks to the Isle of Write members and others who helped me chisel at it to its present form. Love, for one and all.

art and flair courtesy of @pegasusphysics

In case you're not familiar with it, the piece used is The Creation of Adam, by Michaelangelo, which is the center piece for the Sistine Chapel's ceiling, 1508-1512.

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