Introducing the MSP Poetry Workshop

We'd like to extend you a warm invitation to join us in PALnet's new poetry-workshop channel!

Any poet, whether minnow or whale, can participate in our workshopping process. We want to connect with poets of all styles and genres. Steemit boasts many engaging and prolific writers of both verse and free form poetry, so we know there's a rich pool of potential participants.

The PALnet poetry-workshop channel is a place for three types of poets:

  • unskilled
  • becoming skilled
  • skilled

Our guess is that you probably fall into one of those groups, so why not join us?

Poetry is such a subjective art form, and we don't deign to define whether a poem is “good.” In fact, we don't really care about good; we care about better. And what groovy grouping of linguistic lines and stunning stanzas can't be made better? We may not all be striving for literary standards, but we can come together around the common goal of improving our cadence, imagery, word choices, sound devices, syntax, or rhyme (if you're into rhyme).

Self expression is a common purpose of poetry, but here in the workshop, we want to encourage poets who approach writing as both expression and craft. Wordsworth described the process of writing poetry as powerful emotion recollected in tranquility. It's in the tranquil times that we remember an experience or a feeling, then mold and shape it into a poem that sings, pounds, rushes, twinkles, sobs, crackles, drips, or scrapes... but most of all, a poem that conveys.

The poetry workshop is a place for community and encouragement. As such, we don't allow post promotion on this channel. Let's workshop our writing before it's posted on Steemit so that, as a community of Steemit writers, we're publishing polished, finished, sterling work.

More details and submission guidelines will follow. But for now, we're focused on establishing a community of work-in-progress poets who love Steemit and love to write. Hope to see you over there!

PALnet is a feature of MSP, the Minnow Support Project.
The poetry workshop meets on Discord here:

PALnet wouldn't be possible without the generous help and direction of @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem, and @canadian-coconut. We would also like to thank the PALnet moderators who have helped us out in so many ways, including @gmuxx, @swelker101, @discordiant, and of course @rhondak, who has been very kind and helpful on the Discord fiction-workshop channel.

The #poetry-workshop can be found on Discord here: You can also private message @geke, @hypexals-spiral, or @hopehuggs with any questions or concerns. Hope to see you there!

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