Birthday Wish – An Original Poem

Oh, little birthday,
You come and you go.
Leaving me ravaged
And feeling alone.

Vicious memories
Worn like a hat.
Oh no, not that!

There is no going back
No matter how hard I try,
But hope flaunts herself
Like a voluptuous lie.

Family was lost
In a war against time,
Reinforcements diverted
Lacking charisma is my crime.

He would be twelve,
But my impotent tongue
Sent her away
From this childless one.

She made her decision
And sent me a bill,
But I sent nothing
Not even ill will.

Hope seduced me
With a knife in my back,
Haunted by a life
That steers me off track.

I enter a fantasy
When I type away,
While opiates keep
Reincarnation at bay.

I blow out my candles
With one wish in mind,
But it's impossible
To turn back time.

Image from Trainspotting

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