The Doctor's Appointment

joker gun

the results are back
and we all agree,
your son is suffering
from Cerebral Palsy.

that's the reason
his head rolls back,
because of a misplaced
umbilical sack.

You're welcome
to get a second opinion
but the four of us
came to the same

show her how he'll
walk and talk...
And that's with therapy
around the clock.

He'll never be like
other little boys
best we can hope for
is a mongoloid.

Now have him play
with his imaginary friend,
while we open his eyes
and remove more skin.

We need it for
another test
then he can go home
and get some rest.

This point of this poem is show what doctors visits were like for me and my family when I was a child, using the same degrading terminology that they used to use. I am very lucky that I only have a mild form CP and that I am doing much better than their predictions, most people that I come across never know that I have it.

Image Source - The Dark Knight

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