Thoughts About Life

I wonder who was the first person to drink cow milk and what were the other villagers reactions “There goes Bob molesting that spotted thing again, somebody needs to tell that creep, that we've got kids over here!”

Since pornography is the deciding factor for which technologies that get adopted and which ones fail, if they decided to chisel pornographic images in stone would society start over?

I wonder what was the first item to cost and arm and a leg and what the merchant did with the extra body parts.

I have always wondered why parents are so eager to have their baby kissed by a politician and what would their reaction be if afterward someone told them where that politician's lips were an hour earlier.

During a zombie outbreak if one of the survivors was to bite a zombie, would the zombie turn back into a human, has anyone ever even tried this?

If God is only willing to help those that help themselves, does that mean that he is on vacation?

If your date spontaneously combusted while dancing at you junior prom, I wonder how difficult it would it be to find a date to your senior prom.

If a man dies on your watch, does that mean it's time to buy a new watch?

When someone writes “lol,” I can't tell if they are really laughing out loud or just not sure what to write, but deep down I know that they are probably masturbating.

If I was a cowboy I would play pranks on the other cowboys. For instance I would secretly teach one of their horses to roll over and play dead at the sight of a gun, just before the bank robbery.

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