When The Words Came Along V2.0

I called it V2.0 because A week ago, I entered a contest with When The Voices Came Along V1.0 which, because of the contest rules, was way shorter than this and I decided to finish it later. So I gues Today Is later 😉
I hope you enjoy it.

when the words came along
so compelling and so strong
even if it felt so wrong
I could not resist for long
just like any other art
sometimes you get it all at once
sometime a glympse sometimes a start
when poetry asks me for a dance
in that second the beating stops
the heart tries to leave the chest
even if I forgot the steps
It's not an option to resist
I didn't edit I just wrote
Until I couldn't do any better
Then I rushed to close and hide the note
For I decided to edit later
And I went back to sleep before
the poem starts to ask for more
Cause when I write I take my time
that's why I call it my passtime
I'm never hasty when I rhyme
Sometime a haste is a crime
It was so messy when I first read it
but it gets better the more I edit
it's not that I'm seeking any credit
I only seek credit for my choices
and I didn't choose to write those voices

If you like this poem and you want to read some of my old poems here's a list:

Chapters Of My Fight
Bloody Rose
A Word Is Like A Sword
My Friends
Grow wise enough beloved son
Man Is Genious
The Sun Could Shine For Me
The Coven Mistress

3 columns
2 columns
1 column