The Ballad of Fred and Ed


Fred had lived upon the farm
For almost his whole life.
He wound up with a colt named Ed
Instead of a filly wife.

Ed arrived in a truck one day,
And much to Fred's distress,
He ate up everything in sight
And always made a mess.

"Shut up," said Fred. "You bray too much."
To that fresh Ed said, "Neigh."
The two commenced to tussle, then
The farm wife brought them hay.

As years and deers passed by them both,
Old Fred got tired and sad.
He realized that Ed had been
The only friend he'd had.

And as his life came to an end
Fred leaned against the barn & said,
"You've always been a pain in the rump,
But I love you, rowdy Ed."

Poem and photo animation by me, @hope-k!

@lilyraabe's Art Mix-Up Contest can be found at this link: @lilyraabe/art-mix-up-contest-or-01

I was immediately interested in this challenge because I always use my own images to illustrate my stories and poems. This time I decided to take it up a notch. Why not add animation?

One day I was on a walk and saw two horses at play in a pasture and took many photos of them. I downloaded an app that makes gifs and put a series of the pictures in it. The animation made me wonder about the horses lives, and Fred and Ed were born.

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