A Call to Stand Up For Animals

My entry into the poetry seed competition turned into a a war cry for the animals!

A Call to Stand Up For Animals


What a stain some people are!
Is it so hard to make kindness par?
or is it all packed away in a jar
And thrown somewhere really far?

Why deliberately run over a seagull?
Or order a horrible badger cull?
Hunt a fox till its eyes go dull?
Will it stop before animals are null?

I see in his eyes the emotional drain
That is impossible to feign,
As he sticks up for animals nearly slain
By deadly humans who feel no guilt or pain.

So for the benefit of all those who love
The gift that animals are from above -
From the mighty whale to the lowly dove
Be sure to put on each padded glove

Fight for a sanctuary that choose to care
That voices concerns that noone else would dare.
Fight to change human's faulty hardware
Find the apparatus to make life for all fair

The animals were here first
Before we built houses and cursed
The fates of millions of animals and birds
The human race is just the worse.

We need to look after what we have got
A battle needs to be fought.
Before we become just a blot
Before we become a history plot.

This poem is for Tiger Lily and All Her Friends at Bexhill and Hastings Wildlife Rescue and Sanctuary


I know every wildlife sanctuary needs help, but please consider donating to this one, as I've never met such dedicated and loving people towards animals, especially the towards animals considered by many as vermin.

More about Bexhill and Hastings Wildlife Rescue and Sanctuary

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